Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Birthday Extravaganza

For those of you who know me. I have had a nasty flu for a month now.  I am extraordinarily agitated and even more frustrated that i don't have the energy to complete the one billion tasks i put on myself everyday.  i know in order to beat this flu i call "life's unwanted friend" i need to rest and STOP!! Well....those things don't really come easy to me.  I have what a comedian once described as "woman ADD" which i am sure many of you have as well. When i sit on the couch and try to think about nothing  I end up creating an even larger to do list then i had before  For example...original to do list...laundry, grocery shopping, and work. To do list after i sit on the couch... laundry, grocery shop, wash the blankets, dust the tv, buy a remote holder, why does the couch smell damn i need to steam clean it, buy new covers for the pillows, vacuum under the coffee table, eww is that mold on the ceiling, buy bleach..and the list just multiplies until it becomes and uncontrollable beast. . It's a curse!! I want to think about nothing! i would kill to be able to sit and not care that the dishes aren't done or my clothes aren't folded. i can't do it!! Irritated and slightly nervous about me being sick for so long my boyfriend decided i need to learn the lesson on "how to be self fish". Yes Selffish, how to put me first, and how to in a man's terms "knock it off". I've always put others first tried my best to make others happy and strieved to help others reach their potential and their internal happiness and in return i catch the flu. Zack doesn't have the flu...Zack isn't coughing up strange colored aliens. Giving up on trying to talk me into STOPPING Zack took matters into his own hands and for my birthday (my first birthday without my family) stole me from life and dropped me straight into paradise. Catalina! LA's hidden gem....really hidden gem... like hidden by an ocean kind of hidden. He threw me on the fairy bought me a margarita...a pitcher that is and took me away. It was exactly what i needed time for myself.  Time not thinking about what needed to be done, or who needed my help, or what crazy project i could take on next. i just had to worry about having fun and here are some pictures to prove we did.  Now funny side story which will lead to my next blog recipe...My boyfriend is half Mexican but when it comes to food he is full cholo at heart. Everything has to be in a tortilla....salad...chicken..steak and potatoes, and yes even pasta...He has done it. If it isn't in a tortilla then it isn't edible. This obsession of his has driven me to develop a hatred for tortillas, a jealousy so deep that i have boycotted them for almost 8 months now. tacos...no way...not on my watch. but for some reason being on an island with the warm sun hitting my face and the cold margaritas in my belly i went crazed for tacos!!! all i wanted for every meal for the entire weekend was fish tacos....we went to a pizza parlor and i asked if they had fish tacos and surely enough then did. It was crazy i had been taking over....by a taco bug...and that is how my next recipe came about. Get excited and go get your favorite tortilla because this could be one of the only recipes i use them in.

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