This page is dedicated to the random little things that make me love life everyday. Some people get so consumed looking for there next big accomplishment or happy event that they forget to recognize and smile at all the little ones in the middle. It isn't the big events in life that determine someones success, wealth or happiness but truly it it is the little steps, the little laughs, and little things in life that truly create ones happiness and here are mine...
Check one off the list
Today I get to check something of my New Year's Resolution List. Thank Goodness!. I ran a 10K this morning in a little over an hour. It was exhilarating, exciting, and just felt damn good to finally be feeling a 100% like me again. To top it off i made a new friend today. So as i sat there waiting for the race to myself... looking like a loser...freaking out. I decided I needed to find a friend quick or this race was not going to happen for me. So i walked over and nicely asked "have you ever run a race before?" HAHA probably not the smartest question to pose at a race but whatever. Of course she had she has even run a few marathons!!! She was so sweet calmed my nerves and told me i would survive. Exactly what i needed to hear!! Her motivating words got me through the race...without even stopping. I am so proud of myself today..i think i might even give myself a pat on the back. lol Have a great day everyone and i hope your New Year resolutions are coming along as well.
May 2011
Here is to being able to swallow!
So this week I was pretty much bed ridden with an awful flu and that first thing that went was being able to swallow. I have never had a sore throat so bad that it even kept me away from desserts. So to say the least this week was not my favorite. I have been cranky, hungry and so weak. Until today! My first day i could swallow!! Until you loose, you don't really appreciate it. So not only was I excited to be greeted by the ability to eat, I was even more happy to be greeted by this little fellow on my desk!!! The cake pop! He reminded me 1. how great solid food tastes and 2. that i am right where i belong. Thanks for making my day Rebecca and Happy Friday Everyone!
The Force of Pure AWESOME
Made my day!!
February 2011
Rocking Out 2011!!
I woke up this January 1 morning and decided I wanted to start off 2011 the right way. The sun was out and i was going to do my old 5 mile run. So i got up downloaded some new music loaded it up and hit the road. I have spent so much time worrying about the future and what is next and if i am where i am suppose to be that i miss the amazing-ness of life some days and this run was for me not to miss anything. I was enjoying the view, the sun on my skin, and more importantly the new music. Feeling so inspired by this amazing run i let loose and forgot everything and began belting at the top of my lungs "here we go again...i wanna be more then just friends.....OOOO...I WANT SOME MORE...OOO...WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FORrrrRRRR". And yes the different size R's was me trying to be like Neon trees with their awesome inflections. Well, as i got more and more into the song, singing turned into sways and jumping to finally spinning mid run and that is when it happened!! I was so in my own dancing world that it wasn't until my grand finale spin when i noticed that i had my first groupie. As i was making an ass of myself, they young gentlemen had snuck up on me and began swaying and dancing with me. Knowing the words to the song i was singing he helped me with my finale. MORTIFIED....i smiled and giggled and wished him a Happy New Year. Thank goodness i wasn't picking my nose or something because that could have been even more embarrassing. Anyways, happy new year and i wish you all a little bounce in your step today.
January 2011
Our Love Fern
For those of you who know me....i like to watch my money. I am not a huge spender. I don't buy name brand things, nor do i ask for them. But this Tiffany's bracelet was given to me 5 years ago from my college love of my life (lol it was my best girl friend). She bought it for me because she thought i deserved a taste of name brand products. 5 years later, still in love with my key chain she was right but i am not sure if it was the key chain or the thought behind it i truly fell in love with. But anyways, on my way to work yesterday I lost a one of the sterling silver balls that keeps your keys from falling off the chain. I had walked nearly 5 blocks before i noticed it was missing and was so disheartened to find that it wasn't anywhere in site. "Where did it fall" "could it have gone down the drain" "will i have to buy a new one" A tornado of thoughts ran through my mind until i realized i would have a lot more tornado of emotions if i was late to work on top of my key chain missing morning. Trying not to let my day get worse, i left and just decided that i would just go get a NORMAL key chain after being spoiled for so long by my Tiffany's one. Now today was a jam packed day ending with a party with the new girls club i joined. So although i spent the morning gripping about my key chain i decided that life would work itself out.....and that is exactly what it did. It wasn't until my long stroll home later that night when key chain gods opened up and decided i deserved a break!! as i was strolling along...just replaying the funny moment of the party, i dropped my loose key (of course) and when i went to go pick it up i noticed a sparkle next to my key!!! IT WAS THE MISSING BALL!! Thank you key gods, best night ever!!
November 2010
The Perfect Pumpkin

Every year i go on a hunt for the perfect pumpkin and i usually end up settling for the one with one nice side on the front and a completely dented back which can be masked by being put in a corner. This year being overwhelmed with my first event, joining a new club, and taking care of my boo i lacked the patience to go on my traditional pumpkin search... Instead i found my self in Trader Joes five minutes before a pumpkin carving party grabbing the only pumpkin they had left without even looking for it. I paid and ran out as fast as i could trying not to be late to my first outing with a new group of friends. On my drive to the party, i kept taking glimpses at my pumpkin...first a double take...then a triple take, then finally staring at it while waiting at a stop light. Had the time finally come? had my search come to an end? To my amazement i was staring at my perfect pumpkin.! It was large...but not too stout and had a perfectly curved stem. This pumpkin was a pumpkin straight out of Cinderella and could be admired from any angle. it had to be fake!! so i knocked on it. It is real alright. i had done it. without even looking my perfect pumpkin had finally found its way to me.
October 2010
Playing with Nerf Guns
The day after a long week, i decided to pamper myself with sleep, food and more sleep. When lunch came around i thought i deserved a treat and hoped in my car on a food mission. It was soon after starting my journey when i saw two little boys waving me down with an old dirty rag. I pulled over, rolled down my window and yelled "you okay little man". he responded "we are okay. do you have an idea? I responded intrigued "an idea? an idea about what?". He then point to the water drain beside him and to my surprise there was a shinny arrow Nerf Gun fully loaded lodged on a shelf in the drain. They had been trying all morning to get it and now they have asked me to help. In excitement, they showed me their tools which consisted of twigs, string, scotch, tape and a rag. For the next thirty minutes i sat with these two little boys skeeming to retrieve the shiny blue Nerf gun. I was witnising two little Magivers in the making and it was that moment i was reminded that is it the little things that makes you smile....Its the little things that make life worth living
October 2010