Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Fire Season Begins..

Catalina Fire 2011 (170 Acres)
My boyfriend is a fire fighter and today was the first fire of the I baked! Bummed that fire season started earlier and knowing that mother's day is around the corner I used a recipe. Actually I used two.  I haven't used a recipe in so long it was so relaxing. all i had to do was go down the line and add. As much as i love being creative and coming up with new ideas it is sooo nice to be told how to do something sometimes and tonight was the night. I wanted to loose myself in my baking, get ready for mothers day, and not worry about my love away for the night. You would think after three years of being with him fire season would be a piece of cake but every fire season has brought on a different emotion for me.  The first one worried, the second one lonely, and my goal for this one is strengthening. I've come so far from being that girl who moved away from everything she loved a year ago to follow a boy and a new career. I was terrified....lost...and empty. I always thought i was confident until i moved out here and realized it is easy to be confident when you live in the same town as your family and are surrounded by friend who in a heart beat would carry you but to be confident completely out of your element. Completely alone.  To be confident when no one was looking...was true confidence...and not one that i had. So with my honey's long hours saving the world was hard for me last summer but at the same time life changing for me.  I always knew i could take care of was being proud of myself and sure of myself that i struggled with. After a lot of tears, a lot of self analyzation and a lot of weeding out of people i am here. Not worried and not feeling lonely. But rather feeling empowered! His job is amazing and he loves it and i love him but his passion does not out shine or shadow my accomplishments and my career that i absolutley love and he loves that about me. So as fire season starts and i sit here rambling to you about my new found strength i give you.....homemade marshmallow fondant and the best chocolate cupcakes you will ever have are to come....

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