Meet my honey. I've talked about him a fee times in a couple of the blogs but what you might not know is he is currently a fire fighter for la county. What this means for me.. is vacations are some times hard to plan for with his "firey" schedule. So when he woke me up with a big kiss and said we were going to the beach i had my swim suit on before he finished the sentence. Our destination Neptune's Net his leverage to get me to move to La with him. I am addicted, in love, and obsessed with this restaurant. Anytime i can get cheap fried food with a few of the beach i am SOOO there. Yes, you heard it. I am not always healthy and have my secret cravings. After a little stroll along the beach and full tummies it was time to head home, but to my surprise he had another little trick up his sleeve. While i showered and cleaned up, he put together this little yummy platter with a big glass of wine for me...i prettied it up a little for the picture but other then that is was pure perfection. So the next recipe to come is Zack's Quick Cheese and other yummies platter for any party or get together you have coming up. Keep an eye out for it.

Until next time remember to SHUT UP and Eat!
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